
Tree-Care Tips For Cold Weather

The addition of trees to your home's landscape can be beneficial when it comes to taking advantage of the shade and beauty these majestic plants provide. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of thinking their trees can make it through the winter without any preparation. Taking the time to properly prepare your trees to withstand the cold winter temperatures can ensure that your trees mature properly. Here are three tips you can use to ensure your trees are prepared to withstand cold weather in the future.

Looking At Some Of The Best Benefits Of New Carpeting In Your Home

If you are considering new carpeting for your home, you may be doing so for decorative reasons or because the existing carpeting is too old and worn out. However, you should know there are some other great benefits of having new carpeting pout down in your home. Check out some of the reasons you will be glad you have new carpeting down in your home. Carpet Is Additional Money-Saving Insulation In The Winter

4 Tips For Preparing Your Trees For Winter

Winter is right around the corner, so now is the perfect time to start getting the trees on your property ready for winter. The coldest months of the year can be very stressful on trees, so preventative action is essential if you want them to still be alive when spring arrives. Use the following tips to ensure that your trees are healthy through the winter: Trim Back Trees Ice storms and heavy snow can cause limbs and branches to crack or snap off, which can leave a tree vulnerable to continuing damage.

2 Fun Ways To Switch Up Your Current Kitchen Cabinets

Your kitchen is a room where you likely spend a lot of your time. Because of this, it is important that you like the way that your kitchen looks. The cabinets in your kitchen are one of the main focal points, so updating or changing them can really make a big difference in the way that your kitchen looks. If you feel that it is time to update your kitchen cabinets, or simply switch them up, there are so many great things that you can do.

Finishing Your Basement Can Radically Increase Your Living Space

Finishing your basement can radically increase your living space. However, unless you have a specific need you're addressing—such as an expanding family—it may be difficult to know the best way to remodel your basement. Think about what activities you do now that could be benefited by your having more room. From there, design a finished basement that complements your lifestyle and adds value to your home. Spare Bedroom A common addition for a finished basement is a spare bedroom.

Fill Small Cracks In Concrete Basement Walls And Apply A Sealer To Them

If there are small cracks surrounding the windows that are located in your basement's interior concrete walls, fill them with concrete patch by completing the steps below. After you have finished, apply an even coat of sealer to each wall to provide your home's basement with a layer of protection that will prevent moisture from entering your home.  Materials plastic sheeting putty knife wire brush bucket of soapy water sponge tube of concrete patch caulk gun hand trowel concrete waterproofing sealer paint tray paint roller extension handle paintbrush Remove Loose Pieces Of Concrete And Clean The Walls

Keep Pesky Mosquitoes Out Of Your Home Using These Ideas

Like many other pests, such as cockroaches, mosquitoes tend to make their way inside even when care is taken to keep the windows and doors closed. Once indoors, mosquitoes don't waste time looking for skin to latch onto for an easy meal – and this tends to result in lots of itching and annoyance for the humans in the household. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep mosquitoes from infiltrating your personal space when spending time at home, especially during the hotter seasons of the year.

3 Tips For Keeping Your Backyard Water Fountain In Great Shape

A backyard water fountain can often be a great way to make your yard into a more relaxing and aesthetically pleasing area. Unfortunately, many people seem to think that they can simply set the fountain up and leave it be, but that is a big mistake as the fountains will require regular maintenance. Listed below are three tips that can help you maintain your backyard water fountain so that it can remain in working order for years to come.

3 Tips To Protect Your Kids When You Live Beside A Lake

Living beside a lake can be a wonderful thing -- it allows you to enjoy beautiful views and can make things like fishing or enjoying wildlife a whole lot easier and more fun. However, one thing that you might be worried about is the safety of your children. Just because you have kids doesn't mean that you can't live on a lake, but it is important to keep your little ones safe.

Guide To A Gorgeous, Old-Hollywood Inspired Space

If you want to bring a sense of chic style and glamour to a space in your home, go with an old Hollywood-inspired theme. With the right furnishings, textures, and accents, you will feel like royalty as you lounge and entertain in your home. Some ways to bring a piece of old Hollywood to your home include these style suggestions: Add sophistication with sumptuous textiles. For a rich, elegant feeling in your space, fill the room with a variety of textiles.